cash flow statement

How Unpaid Invoices Impact Your Business Growth and Profitability

By |June 14th, 2019|Small Business Accounting|

It's common for businesses to offer attractive repayment options to attract new customers. Options may include making an invoice due in 30 days to 90 days. Whether it's due to forgetfulness or deliberate stalling tactics, businesses often deal with late invoice payments even when they give the customer a reasonable time to pay. Unpaid invoices [...]

Why a Cash Flow Statement is Important to Your Business Success

By |April 30th, 2019|Small Business Accounting|

The goal of any business should be to have more cash coming in the door than going out. Cash is used to cover your overhead, fund your payroll, purchase equipment, and pay your suppliers. Essentially, your business isn't going to survive for long if it runs out of cash. Your company's cash flow statement includes [...]

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