small business success

Businesses Can Make New Year’s Resolutions Too

By |January 15th, 2020|Small Business Accounting|

Now that 2020 is officially here, the opportunity of a new year and a new decade lies ahead. Any business can benefit from making a few resolutions to improve in a new year, no matter how successful the previous year was. If your business goals could use a shake-up but you’re not sure what to [...]

Seven Steps You Should Consider to Help Your Small Business Grow

By |December 30th, 2019|Small Business Accounting|

Launching a small business is an exciting time in the life of an entrepreneur.  Once the initial momentum has worn off, however, it requires a lot of hard work and commitment to see your business grow.  If you're not sure how to go about that, we hope you find the tips below inspirational. Small Business [...]

Revolving Business Credit Is Important For Your Business

By |December 14th, 2019|Small Business Accounting|

Although positive cash flow is a must to run a successful business, it isn't always easy to come by. Between clients taking a month or longer to pay their invoices and all the expenses you must incur to operate your business, having cash on hand for emergencies or to pursue business growth isn't always realistic. [...]

Beware of These Fraudulent Payroll Schemes

By |October 15th, 2019|Payroll Fraud|

According to recent information published by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), payroll fraud occurs in approximately 30 percent of American businesses each year. Around half of the payroll fraud victims are small businesses that cannot afford such a loss. ACFE also states that the typical business in the United States loses five percent [...]

How to Make and Follow a Budget for Your Small Business

By |August 15th, 2019|Small Business Accounting|

Every dollar counts when you're a new small business owner. With little to go around, creating and sticking to a budget is essential. While you might see budgeting as a dreaded chore, it provides several benefits for your small business compared to the time and effort you put into making it. For example, business budgets [...]

Proactive Tax Planning Critical to Your Overall Business Strategy

By |July 11th, 2019|Small Business Accounting|

Whether you're a new business owner filing your first tax return or someone who has filed many times but still feels overwhelmed by the process, we at Chicagoland CPAs can help. That is because we take a proactive approach to business tax planning rather than attempt to deal with issues after they have created complications [...]

Why an Accurate Balance Sheet is Critical to Your Small Business Success

By |April 17th, 2019|Small Business Accounting|

A balance sheet is one of the most important and useful documents for determining the financial health of your business. At Chicagoland CPAs, we like to think of the business balance sheet as a basic accounting equation. That means that a company's assets should be the same amount as its liabilities and shareholder equity. However, [...]

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